ABSTRACT: This study explores innovations in promoting digital citizenship in vocational training, focusing on preparing students for responsible and ethical use of digital technologies. The objectives were to (1) identify key aspects of digital citizenship relevant to vocational education, (2) evaluate current initiatives and strategies for teaching digital citizenship, and (3) propose effective methods to integrate digital citizenship education into vocational curricula. A survey design was utilized to collect data from vocational educators, technology experts, and students, offering insights into digital literacy levels and citizenship practices. The sample size included 180 participants, selected through purposive sampling to ensure representation from various vocational fields and technological proficiency levels. The case study was conducted in Edo State, Nigeria, chosen for its progressive stance on technology integration in education. Findings indicated that while digital citizenship education was recognized as crucial, its integration into vocational curricula varied significantly. Effective innovations included incorporating digital ethics modules into vocational courses, promoting safe online practices through workshops and seminars, and establishing partnerships with technology companies for updated resources and training. Recommendations included developing standardized digital citizenship frameworks for vocational education, enhancing teacher training on digital citizenship topics, and integrating real-world case studies on digital ethics into vocational curricula.
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